Student Services

Student Assistance Team

What is the Student Assistance Team?
The Student Assistance Team (SAT) is a problem solving team comprised of general educators and other specialists. The purpose of the SAT is to assist regular education, school-age students who need extra support beyond the classroom in order to be most successful. Areas of need may vary from student to student, and may include issues related to:

  • academic concerns
  • behavioral concerns
  • medical concerns
  • speech and/or language concerns
  • fine and/or gross motor concerns
  • social supports

Teachers, administrators, or parents may refer a student to SAT for behavior, mental health, and speech and language concerns. The team uses Universal Screening to identify students for academic interventions. The Student Assistance Team reviews the student's history as well as current information with parents/guardians and the student's primary classroom teacher. Following the initial parent meeting, next steps include:

  • Development of a research-based intervention plan
  • Weekly monitoring of the student's response to the intervention
  • Regular review of student data

Ultimately, the Student Assistance Team’s goal is to support the needs of the student through targeted interventions and development of skills leading to overall improvement in classroom performance.



Student Assistance Team (SAT) Coordinators:

Stacia Delfs contact and schools served:

  • Email:
  • Cardinal Elementary: (402) 494-1662
  • Lewis & Clark Elementary: (402) 494-1917

DeDe Frisch contact and schools served:

  • Email:
  • SSC Senior High School: (402) 494-2433
  • St. Michael's Catholic Elementary: (402) 494-1526

Sadie Reifenrath contact and schools served:

Makenzie Bates  contact and school served:

Camilla Holthe contact and schools served:

  • Email:
  • Covington: (402) 494-4238