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Senior Scoop for December 2020
Senior Scoop December 3, 2020
From the Counseling Office
Linda Swanson,Last names A-E
Jason Craig, Last names F-Ln
Danielle Panowicz, Last names Lo-Q
Steph Hames, Last names R-Z
Tammy Aitken, Secretary,
@SSCHSGuidance follow us on Twitter for more updates
The following colleges or military representatives will be zooming in the Counseling Office:
Little Priest Tribal College Zoom: Students can zoom on Wed., Dec. 2nd at 1:00
Little Priest Tribal College Zoom: Students can zoom on Thurs., Dec. 3rd at 1:00
South Dakota State Zoom: Students zoom with SDSU on Wed., Dec. 9th from 1:00-1:30
South Dakota State Zoom: Students zoom with SDSU on Thurs., Dec. 10th from 1:00-1:30
The deadlines for the following scholarships are quickly approaching:
TeamMates Central Office Scholarships / 1-15-21 / Must be a senior who is part of the TeamMates program / Apply Online Here
Susan Thompson Buffett Scholarship, Due February 1, 2021 =
University of Nebraska Omaha Goodrich Scholarship / March 1, 2021 @ 5:00 p.m. Information and apply online
ACT Dates = February 6, 2021, Registration Deadline =January 8, 2021
April 17, 2021, Registration Deadline =March 12, 2021
June 12, 2001, Registration Deadline = May 7, 2021
July 17, 2021, Registration Deadline = June 18, 2021
Look for information to be coming soon about how to apply for one of the Kind World Scholarships. Students need a 3.0 GPA or higher to apply for the Kind World Scholarship. South Sioux City High School will have at least 3-5 winners of this scholarship.
The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) opened on October 1, 2020, at Both student and parent will need an FSA ID if you do not have one. To apply for the FSA ID, go to
Please send your senior picture to and tell us “Where Are You Going/Been Accepted to College?” We will print your picture and where you are going to college and put them up on the bulletin board in the commons and by the counselor’s office.
December “To Do” List
Seniors ... complete these college planning tasks:
__ If you haven’t already, submit college applications and the FAFSA.
__ Continue to apply for scholarships.
__ Watch for financial aid award notifications on your college student accounts and verification requests.
__ Update your resume