Communications & Community Engagement Dept

Communication Channels

Communication can take place in a variety of formats. The message and the purpose of the communication can help determine which format is most appropriate. Generally, the more issues-driven and/or detailed the information is, the more direct the communication channel chosen should be.

Communication channels include:

  • Face-to-face communication – one-on-one meetings, Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences
  • Telephone conversations
  • Hard copy, written communication – letters sent home from the school, paper school newsletters
  • Electronic communication – email, electronic newsletters, websites, social media, Let’s Talk

When the communication requires a dialogue, such as bringing forward a question or concern or when a discussion is required on a particular topic, the preferred channels of communication are ones that allow for an immediate and ongoing interaction between the people involved. The best formats for this kind of communication are face-to-face conversations or telephone conversations.

Schools and families are encouraged to use these direct channels of communication when a topic is complex or requires a dialogue. These more direct forms of communication also help us establish a personal connection, which helps build relationships that we don’t get in other forms of communication.

When it comes to communication from the school to our families, very rarely do we use only one communication channel. Often we use multiple communication formats together with one another to help ensure the message reaches everyone it needs to.