Student Services
Health Services
Mission Statement:
"Qualified caring health professionals delivering holistic health care and empowering South Sioux City school district students, staff, and families to achieve their full potential."
Belief Statements:
- A holistic health care approach includes the physical, social, emotional, spiritual and developmental dimensions of each individual
- As valued leaders in the community, school nurses are critical to the success of the school district mission
- Establishing trusting relationships is essential to providing health education and services within the South Sioux City community.
- Students with special health care needs can be successful in school by receiving quality individualized services provided by the health services team.
- Modeling is an effective learning strategy for educating students, staff, and families about healthy lifestyles.
Health Service Staff:
Jaime Lenz: RN, BSN, NCSN
Middle School
(402) 494-3061
Linda Weitzel: RN
Harney (402) 494-1446
Dakota City (402) 987-3363
Bridget Conley: RN
High School
(402) 494-2433
Vidi Vizcarra: Health Clerk
E.N. Swett
(402) 494-3501
Rita Sandman: RN
Cardinal Elementary
(402) 494-1662
Stephanie Teply: Health Clerk
Lewis & Clark Elementary
(402) 494-1917
Sindia Muniz: Health Clerk
Harney Elementary
(402) 494-1446
Stephanie Ochoa: RN, BSN
Covington Elementary
(402) 494-4238
Sick Student Policy
Too Sick for School/Muy Enfermos para Asistir a la Escuela
Information/Health Forms:
- Health History Form
- Parents Authorization for Administering Non-Prescription Medication
- Parents Authorization for Administering Prescription Medication
- Physical Evaluation Form
- Physical Waiver Form
- Vision Exam Form
- Vision Waiver Form
- Asthma Action Plan
- Bee Sting Questionnaire
- Food Allergy Form
- Seizure Action Plan
- Release of Medical Information Form
- Bedtime Basics
- Flu Information
Rules and Regulations:
- Summary of the School Immunization Rules and Regulations [Resumen del reglamento de vacunas requeridas para la escuela]
- Vision Exams
- Physical Exams
- Attack on Asthma
- Allergies & Meal Accomodations
- MRSA and Athletics
- Dakota County Health Department