Student Registration
Kindergarten Registration
Dear families of future Kindergartners,
To register for Kindergarten for the 2023-2024 school year, children must be 5 years old on or before July 31, 2023.
To secure your child’s spot in kindergarten, please register by completing the process described below.
Download and fill out the following Kindergarten Enrollment Form Packet (6 pages with cover sheet) and return them to the School Administration Building (drop off, email or fax) to finalize your child's Kindergarten registration. If you do not have access to printer, please come to the School Administration Building and pickup a packet to complete and return.
Click here to go to the registration forms.
You will also need to provide the following documentation:
- Parent Identification
- Birth Certificate (not the hospital copy)
- Shot Records
- 2 Proofs of Residence (such as a current utility bill, lease or mortgage, W2, Car Registration)
**NOTE: if your child attended the Cardinal Preschool at EN Swett you don’t need to bring the listed documents. Students that attended our preschool are automatically registered and we are assuming they will attend Kindergarten.
School Administration Building
210 W. 39th Street
South Sioux City, NE 68776
Central Registrar
Ph: 402-412-2823
Fax: 402-494-3916