
7:45 - 3:30 Monday-Friday


kalie.vanderzyden@ssccards.org - Instagram: mrsvinthelibrary

Want a book that is not in the library? Recommend it! If it fits with the library collection policies, it will be ordered and you will be notified when it arrives!



  • Student can check out up to 5 books.

  • Items have a 2 week checkout period.

  • Students will be sent an email to their SSC email account when their books are due the next day, five days overdue, and daily until the item reaches 30 days overdue.

  • Items can be renewed as many times as needed unless there is a hold for another student.

  • Students are able to renew items by bringing coming to the library with or without their item or by emailing kalie.vanderzyden@ssccards.org.


  • There will be no fines that accrue during the school year.

  • All books must be returned by the end of the school year.

  • If a book is not returned, you will be charged for the cost of the book. If you return in the following year, you will NOT get a refund as the library had to reorder the book during the summer. We do not want to fine any students, so please be responsible with your library items.

  • All fines should be paid with the financial secretary.