School Safety
Bullying Prevention
In South Sioux City, we work hard at teaching students strategies on how to deal with others. We empower students to take a stand against bullying behavior. We define bullying and make sure students are aware of what bullying looks like.
Bullying is defined as: “Repeated and unwanted aggressive behavior that occurs over a period of time with an imbalance of power between the bully and the victim.”
- Journal of Safe Management of Disruptive and Assaultive Behavior, March 2012
Students can use the Safe2HelpNE app to report: bullying, suicide concerns, depression, sexting, stealing, threats, cutting, abuse, dating and domestic violence, fights, drugs, alcohol, weapons or other types of dangerous situations that threaten their safety or the safety of others. Their reports will be addressed by a trained school threat assessment team.
If there is an emergency, call 9–1–1.
For more information please contact a school counselor.
Elementary Counselors:
-Tammy Carson-Cardinal Elementary ()
-Michelle Delperdang-Covington Elementary ()
-Cindy Weis-Dakota City Elementary ()
-Rita Drieling/Cindy Weis-E.N. Swett (; )
-Nicki Swatek-Harney Elementary ()
-Rita Drieling-Lewis & Clark Elementary ()
Middle School Counselors:
-Debbie McCloy-Middle School ()
-Kelli Rahn-Middle School ()
-Ryan Vondrak-Middle School ()
High School Counselors:
-Linda Swanson- A-E ()
-Jason Craig- F-Ln ()
-Danielle Panowicz- Lo-Q ()
-Julie Moreau- R-Z ()
Please find more information below on "What is Bullying?" [PDF].
You Have the Power Here are some ways to stand up for yourself:
1. Ignore the person
2. Walk away from the person
3. Stand up as a group
4. Turn insults into compliments (Ex: Insult - "I hate your shirt" Compliment - "Thanks! I like my shirt")
5. Ask questions (Ex: Insult - "I don't like you" Question: "Then why are you talking to me?"
6. Agree (Negative Assertion) Ex: Insult - "You are ugly" Response: "I'm sorry you feel that way"
7. Outcraze the 'crazies' (Ex: Insult - "You don't know anything" Response - "I like bananas")
8. Broken Record (Ex: Insult - "You are dumb" Reponse - "I'm sorry to hear that"
9. Use "I Statements" (Ex: “I feel ______________ when you ______________.” If these strategies fail to keep you from being bullied tell an adult RIGHT AWAY. We are here to help you!
Additional Resources: