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Parent Involvement Survey for School-Aged Children with Disabilities

Your help is needed to improve the special education services in our school. This survey asks your opinion about the quality of services provided through our school district to your child with special needs. You can help us in assessing the special education services provided to your child by answering the questions in this survey. Each year the State must provide information in an Annual Performance Report (APR), indicating the State’s progress toward meeting the rigorous targets for each of the Indicators including the SPP. One of those targets is “Parent Involvement”. The Nebraska Parent Survey for Pre-School and School-Aged Children with Disabilities is the data collection method being used to gather information on opportunities provided to parents to participate in their child’s program and impact school improvement activities.  Note that there is also a Spanish translation of the survey, which can be accessed by clicking on the dropdown menu on the top right corner of the survey screen.