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Senior Scoop November 2023
South Sioux City Community Schools
Senior Scoop November 6, 2023
From the Counseling Office
If you have not applied to a college yet and you plan on attending in the Fall of 2024, please email your counselor for an appointment for help in completing those applications.
The deadlines for the following scholarships are quickly approaching:
- Rural Law Opportunities Program (RLOP) = Due November 30, 2023
- Rural Health Opportunities Program (RHOP) = Due December 1, 2023
- Susan Thompson Buffett Scholarship, Due February 1, 2024 =
- University of Nebraska Omaha Goodrich Scholarship / March 1, 2024
Upcoming Lunchroom Visits:
- Monday Nov. 6th-Morningside
- Tuesday Nov.-7th-Iowa Western
- Wednesday Nov.8th-Army
- Thursday Nov. 9th-St. Luke’s College
- Friday Nov. 10th-WITCC
- Tuesday Nov. 14th Marines
- Tuesday Nov.21st-Army
The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) will open sometime in December at Both student and parent will need an FSA ID if you do not have one. To apply for the FSA ID, go to
EducationQuest will be at South Sioux CIty High School to complete student FAFSA’s on Monday, February 5th and Tuesday, February 6th, 2024, from 9:00-5:00. Please call 402-391-4033 to make an appointment. This is a great opportunity to complete it. If you are applying for the Buffett or Kind World Scholarships, you will need to have a completed FAFSA.
November “To Do” List
Seniors ... complete these college planning tasks:
__ Apply to your top college choices
__ Create an FSA ID for you and one for a parent at
__ Register for the December ACT
__ Set up college visits where you are interested in attending
__ Make sure you are passing all of your classes
Stop by the Counseling Office if you have any questions. You can also email your counselor.
Linda Swanson,Last names A-E
Jason Craig, Last names F-Ln
Danielle Panowicz, Last names Lo-Q
Julie Moreau, Last names R-Z
Tammy Aitken, Secretary,
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