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SSC High School will be transitioning to Academies!

Dear 8th Grade Parents and Guardians,

We are excited to announce South Sioux City High School is transitioning to an academy structure! Data has shown this structure provides students with a smaller learning community as well as opportunities to engage with college and career readiness curriculum and to cultivate transferable skills that can be carried into the workforce, the military, or college. The first and foundational element of the academy structure is the Freshman Academy which your student will be an integral part of next school year.

What is a Freshman Academy?

A Freshman Academy is a small learning community striving to provide your student with a supportive introduction to and preparation for high school life. We develop a positive and inclusive culture by facilitating activities and developing interpersonal skills. Additionally, students develop organizational, time management, and planning skills to apply to their academic and personal goals. Furthermore, professional and digital literacy skills are also prioritized. Ultimately,  these skills are discovered and honed through hands-on, relevant activities and experiences that, in conjunction with other other elements of the Freshman Academy, contribute to a well-rounded student and an empowering freshman experience at South Sioux City High School.

What happens after Freshman Academy?

Towards the middle of students’ freshman year, they will be tasked with a decision. They will have the opportunity to specialize in their chosen academy of Business and Programming, Construction and Engineering, or Public and Human Health and further explore a specific pathway. This comprehensive approach ensures that they are well prepared for both higher education and the workforce through hands-on learning, career exploration, and individualized pathways that strengthen their unique interests and passions. Each of these Academies (including Freshman Academy) are a vital part of South Sioux City High School.

In the meantime…

We understand that this brief letter cannot possibly deliver all the information necessary, so we would also like to extend an invitation. On Thursday, January 25th at 6:30 pm, there will be an informational meeting for the parents/ guardians of 2024-25 Freshmen in the High School Little Theater. During this meeting, parents/ guardians can expect to receive information on registration, graduation requirements, scheduling, and important dates and deadlines relevant to your student’s 2024-25 schedule. Additionally, the Freshman Academy will also be explained. 

We are excited to embark on this new beginning for South Sioux City High School with you and your student by our side. To assist in this journey’s success, we ask for your involvement, your input, your support, your understanding, and your presence. Please attend the informational meeting on January 25th at 6:30pm in the High School Little Theater. Together, we will make high school a time of exploration, discovery, and success!

Mr. Dave Clausen
High School Principal

Flyer About Parent Meeting on January 25, 2024

Parent Meeting Flyer in Spanish