Clubs & Organizations


The SSCHS Musical is held each Spring

The coach is Adam Gonshorowski

Here is a link to the handbook

2022 Production - Rock of Ages

Rock of Ages Curtain Call

Click here to view more pictures from "Rock of Ages"


One Act - Becoming Shakespeare , Fall 2015



High School Musical, Grease - Spring 2015



Seussified Christmas Carol (One Act Fall 2012)

The 2012 SSCHS One-Act won Best technical theatre at the Lincoln Festival. They also won district competition and received the runner-up trophy in state competition.

Individual honors for the play were as follows:
At State - Eight cast members were recognized for outstanding acting. Michelle Swenson, Jeremy Riffenberg, Trevor Hudson, Andrea Tostado, Matt Hanten, Jocelyn Wolff, Nick Akins and Brooke Hamilton.

At Districts - Seven cast members were recognized for outstanding acting. Michelle Swenson, Jeremy Riffenberg, Trevor Hudson, Andrea Tostado, Nancy Escobar, Nick Akins and Brooke Hamilton.

At the Lincoln Festival - Andrea Tosatado was recognized as an outstanding actress

Trevor Hudson also received the overall best actor award.




Anything Goes (Musical) March 2012


The Seussification of Romeo & Juliet (One Act Fall 2011)Program & Cast  
Back Row: Brooke Hamilton, Jeremy Riffenberg, Michelle Swenson, Andrea Tostado
Front Row: Joey Robertson, Mark Davis, Trevor Hudson, Nick Akins
Outstanding actor awards at Districts where we won 2nd place.


2011 Summer Drama Production: Crazy For You (Cast & Information)

2011 SUMMER MUSICAL Click here for a YouTube Video Clip